Sunday, April 24, 2011
New York City - Full moon. Lovely~YEA~ You guys probably think I'm dead or something.
It's been 4 months.
YES 4 whole months, you must've think I've been in a coma or something.
But the thing is, Sec 4 life, is seriously overwhelming.
The whole 4 months, I, too, was askin' myself when I was gonna revive this dead-ass blog.
But I think I shall better refresh this with a whole new post, and whole new music to showcase to all ya readers out there!
So, I've replaced Firework with Lady Gaga's live version of Born This Way. Her first live performance of the song at this year's Grammys.
Yeap, so what's new with me?
Constant mood fluctuations, roller coaster stress levels and overwhelming intake of work!
On the bright side (or sadder side, actually), I've already stepped down from Red Cross and the Student Council to dedicate the rest of the year to my studies. Yup, week 1 of being free (not really) just passed, there hasn't been much difference, actually.
The impact will probably kick in in another few weeks or so. ;D
Good news is, my Red Cross journey doesn't end here!
I've decided to join the Volunteer Instructors Programme (VIP) for Red Cross. That means, I'll undergo some more training and I'll come out as an instructor from the Headquarters. Which means, I still get to come back to the school even after I've graduated! Yeah, and I'll be helping out the unit as per normal. Except that, I think more responsibility will be instilled in me and the juniors will look up to me for advice and hardcore decision-making and *inhales* !!
But I guess, after training, I should come out as a stronger person than before. May god help me with that.
Enough about Red Cross, now let's talk STUDIES! Juggling 7 subjects, ain't an easy task. So is 8 subjects too. God bless my classmates who're taking Biology too. Yikes!
I am trying my best, although some of my teachers think I'm much too slack. They have no idea what I'm doing at home. But hopefully, may the results prove otherwise! I'm gonna need a lot of support for my 'O's. Oh my.
In the love department, heh, not gettin' any. Doesn't matter anyway! Main priority now is my studies! But I've been getting a lot of love from my close friends, I love them for that. I feel like I'm just so blessed to have met them. I cherish everyday I have with them. And I hope even after graduation, we all still see each other often. :))
May god bless my darlings, Christel, Philana, Travis, Desmond, Adeline, Casey, Eunice and everyone. I didn't mention their names but that's because I'm saving them for other times whereas their names can be displayed for better applaud. And those that were mentioned, doesn't mean I have no where else to name you, but because you guys are the first to pop up in my head.
Enough for tonight, I've got school later on today. Apparently it's 1:14AM! School starts in less than like, 7 hours! I better rush my ass to bed.
9:57 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Monday, January 3, 2011
Happy New Year, 2011 everyone!
I know I'm pretty late, but I've been busy alright?!
School is reopening tomorrow, I just managed to get all my homework done by today.
And I panicked every since it's no long 2010 anymore. So yea. Was busy.
Anyway, just to update on whatever's going on in my life right now.
I had 2 so-called major events that just passed. The Christmas Eve party and Sentosa outing aka last day of 2010.
I don't have much time to post about it yet, and pictures aren't with me so, can't post about it now. But all I can say for now is that, they were really the best days of my life. Really thankful to those who were there to share those sweet memories with me. Love you guys loads!
I gotta get mentally prepared for school tomorrow. And as you can already tell, I'm soo not ready. So, enjoy your last day of holiday guys!
1:01 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Swallowtail Butterfly ~Ai no Uta~
止まった手のひら ふるえてるの 躊躇して
この空の 青の青さに心細くなる
Suspended in mid-air, my hand trembled as I hesitated
This sky’s blueness makes me feel uneasy
信じるものすべて ポケットにつめこんでから
夏草揺れる線路を 遠くまで歩いた
After placing everything I believe in into my pocket
I walked a long way on the tracks, summer grass swaying in the wind
心に 心に 傷みがあるの
遠くで蜃気楼 揺れて
There is a pain in my heart, in my heart
A mirage flickers in the distance
あなたは雲の影に 明日の夢を追いかけてた
私はうわの空で 別れを想ったYou went to chase after your dreams for tomorrow behind the clouds
I absentmindedly thought back on our parting
汚れた世界に 悲しさは響いてない
どこかに通り過ぎてく ただそれを待つだけSadness won’t echo in this tainted world
I'm only waiting for something that I passed somewhere
体は 体で 素直になる
涙が止まらない だけど
My body becomes honest through my body
And my tears won’t stop, but...
そしてあいのうたが 心に響きはじめる
No matter where I go from here on after
Night will pass in this world
And a love song will start to resound in my heart
ママのくつで 速く走れなかった
泣かない 裸足になった日もI couldn’t run fast in my mother’s shoes
I won’t cry, even on the day I become barefoot
逆さに見てた地図さえ もう 捨ててしまったI have even thrown away the map that I used to hold upside-down
心に 心に 魔法があるの
嵐に翼ひろげ 飛ぶよThere is magic in my heart, in my heart
I spread my wings as I face the storm and fly away
私はうわの空で あなたのことを想い出したの
そしてあいのうたが 響きだして…
私はあいのうたで あなたを探しはじめる
I absentmindedly thought of you
And a love song started to resound...
With this love song, I start to look for you
8:13 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Monday, December 13, 2010
Hello people!
Yes, I know I haven't been blogging.
Nuffnang definitely isn't happy with that fact too. Heh.
I'm utterly sorry, I know my last post was in September. Which was awfully long ago.
I haven't had the time, and was really busy.
(Yeah, yeah, those of you who know my actual reason for not blogging, SHUT UP!)I guess all I can announce is, I'm now 15 years of age. Yeah, I didn't blog on my birthday too, how sad.
I guess, I've become older. I've learnt a couple of new stuff. Especially in these few months.
Sorry teachers, it ain't anything education related thought.
Okay fine, I have learnt some good stuff in school. Yes yes. But I think what shines the most now is emotionally inclined lessons.
These past few weeks has been mighty challenging mentally for me. Couple of hiccups here and there, but I guess I managed to pull through.
One of the things about being me is that, I'm obsessive. Over-obsessive, actually. I'm also very emotional and take things to heart.
According to me being a female Scorpio (24/10 - 22/11) is that, we're blessed with the gift to analysize anything and everything. Given a piece of broken fact, we're probably able to think out the outcome and escetra. And I agree to a large extent that I
HAVE this ability. But I ain't praisin' myself here.
I realized that I tend to over-analysize things, and bring whatever criticism it has onto myself. Which explains why I tend to get mad at certain comments posted anywhere, and assume that it was about me. So yeah, those who know about it, I'm sorry about that though.
So what I've learnt over these coupla weeks which I know I have to improve on myself is, (you can take these lessons and apply them on yourself as well, learn from my mistakes!)
1) Do not assume.Assuming gets people angry sometimes. For my case, since I over-analysizes sometimes, I assume that things are or aren't my fault. One way or another, there are people are aren't too happy about that.
Answer: Check with people before assuming. Coming to a case where you have to assume, make sure the situation isn't too versatile before you assume. Assuming in smaller massed-situations is a lot safer.
2) Cut down on obsessiveness. Obsessiveness is a horrible, I repeat, HORRIBLE trait. Especially if you're dealing with people who hate being tied down. These people are usually the ones who have bad tempers too, I don't mean to stereotype them, but that's just what I realize about most of them. So when they feel like they're being too tied down, they'll probably rip those emotional ropes of yours apart and give you a tight slap. Avoid that!
Answer: You know you're being obsessive when you just had to know what a person is thinking about ALL THE TIME. They have lives too. Try not to ask too much of them. If this person's short tempered, 1-2 questions about their days will be alright. If this person's alright, 4-5 will be good. Usually people kinda feels loved for a moment when you obsess a little. But they might feel tied down when it's too much. Be careful!
3) People have lives too. This happens when while you're chatting with someone. It gets nice after a while, but if you sense the person kinda wants to push back, you'd better know what to do. They have lives too, and can't be there to talk to you 24/7. Know your and their limits.
Answer: Sense that they want a break, don't try to continue the conversation. It'll just upset the other party. You can usually sense when the person starts to lose interest and their replies tend to be short and quick. Like they're in the middle of a dilemma and you text them. Out of respect they make the effort to reply but are usually short due to short amounts of time. Please do not get angry at them if they lose interest. Remember, they're human too!
This is pretty much the main stuff I've learnt about communicating with people. This is in terms of making friends and building friendships. Please do not use this if it was your boss or something. I'll probably write tips about that if I get a job which requires me to constantly be in contact with my boss. :)
It's currently 1:34am on a Tuesday morning. And I have to get up early for my pilates. (Yeah, right.) Goodnight people! Have an awesome holiday!
9:05 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Friday, September 10, 2010
Here are just some random words I felt like typing (or copying and pasting) :
素直な気持ちを言えるのにな~ どうして?
大好きだよ。 (これのための隠された意味がある。 私はどうしてもそれを明らかにしたくない。)
English Translation:
I don’t want this to end as a hopeless loveThis is the first time I’ve realized
That I can love someone this much
With trivial words
You make my heart swing left and right
If only I could speak honestly to you
Whose back is turned to me
I express this unstoppable feeling…
Here are my own words:
Thank you.
I cared for you.
9:48 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I figured I'd have time to blog for awhile.
Yup, tomorrow's the big day!
Nope I'm not getting married.
So yeah, obviously, it's National Day tomorrow.
As y'all know, I'll be in the parade. (Leading front somemore.)
Just wanna take this short amount of time to REMIND you guys.
Watch National Day and feel patriotic tomorrow, sing the songs proudly (especially the national anthem)
&& most importantly...
For JWSSRCY who's coming to watch us tomorrow, I love you so much! You guys are the bestest friends we'd all ever have!
6:53 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Basically, I'm not dead.
I know I'm probably apologizing in every post, but I'M SORRY!
I know lah, my blog getting boring 'cos I never update, people dou wan come.
I have tight schedule every single day. hard to find time to update lah.
But anyway, since my last post was in June, yes, school started. For about a month already, yes I know I'm super duper late.
Nothing much happened so far, days passed real slowly, but I'm tryna enjoy every minute of it while it lasts. :)
Nothing much to say here too. So I'll update again when I've got something interesting to talk about, god knows when that'll be. :D
8:46 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y