it's the leap year, once in 4 years! today is the 29 of feb...
hmmm nothing to talk bout today... lalalal.... in school today we ran th 2.4 km for our napha... i dunno how to spell uhh... so freakin tired lorh! then finish alr mr so mak us run 5 round at the parade sq cos two STUPID ppl dont wanna do 20 push-ups togetther wid the class... so annoying...
went home after sch... went to change den came back at bout 3.15?? den i tot " Oh shit, 4got to bring name-tag... " i tot going to do 'pumping' leh... but mary ma'am nvr come today... so relieved!
so we separated into grps to do foot drill... now i TOTALLY IN LUFF WID FOOT DRILLS! though i messed up a bit... but my squad like totally rawked it! but thou only me and nazzer saying those "check" or "lup lup (i duunnoo how to spell lar!) right"... at the back lik total silence! den got loads of water breaks... i come home got lots of urine to pass out... haha
den aftr the master parade... i went to wait for pass wid sri, cristal and layla... so we took a few pics!
sri and cristal... :p eating lollipop!
hahas... she looks so funny... it's sri, she looks funny!
here's layla... she looks cute.. PEACE OUT <>
thats all for da day... updates next time!
6:08 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Sunday, February 17, 2008
HELLO! it's already the 7th, 8th, 9th, i think the 10th week of SECONDARY SCHOOL LIFE...since i was forced to update cos the two wont stop flooding my cbox bout one word... UPDATE!so today i'm gonna talk bout valentines day... hahass i'm out of topics!okok... ahh 14th Feb starts early in the morning at 7:03am as i walked thru the wonderful gates of Jurong West Secondary (lol)... i wasn't expecting any gifts or CHOCOLATES from anyone... so class started... everyone was in a good mood... in fact great! the class even tried to match make our english teacher wit the geography teacher... she keeps on saying "I'm not with Mr Tan (geography teach.)" okay... den class ended... we needed to greet her buh-bye... den the class said "Thank-you Mrs Tan"... lol... the class was really in high spirit... later that day, our orders for chocolates and balloons from the boys' brigade came... everybody start exchanging gifts... i got... about 8 chocolates from friends... 5 i gave away (e 5 r e ones i bought) but i also gib away the rest... in SIMPLE english for idiots who can't understand... i gave away all of them! recess alr... Oh Sweet Jeslyn treated me to ice-cream.... THANKS THOU! okay.. that's bout it for valentines day...thats all... i have talked too much! updates next week! buh-byiies everybody! GONG XI FA CAI!
3:59 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Lyrics for my currently playing songJapanese Version (Kanji)太陽サンサン盛り上がる今年は歌いたい気分ルンルン飲みたい放題笑いたい揺れる揺れる心にドキドキしたいなそれもそうかな楽園ah〜ah ah ah ah〜ah ah ah ah ah〜夏だねーPEACH!!ひっくり返る愛のマーク一点で不安定だからすぐ一転するだけど返してみせるよPEACH!!ひっくり返る愛のマーク何倍ものパワーが必要頑張ってみせるよ愛しちゃうから憂鬱にバイバイそんな暇はないもったいない脱皮でバイバイいいところ見たらチャンスでしょひたむきさが大事ねぇ忘れたあの日いつの間に汚れたんだah〜ah ah ah ah〜ah ah ah ah ah〜熟しまーすPEACH!!おいしいだらけの誘惑少しくらい心配したっていいじゃない信じてるけどPEACH!!おしりが欲しければあげるわ刺激的な夜と癒しの朝用意するね吸い込んだ中に混ざってた悪魔と天使押せど押せど引き元に返したらhigh touch!PEACH!!何事もバランスお互いマイペースリズムに合わせてJUMP! JUMPPEACH!!やっぱ一緒にいようよいるべきだよ機嫌直して楽しもうよこの夏をPEACH!!ひっくり返る愛のマーク何倍ものパワーが必要頑張ってみせるよ愛しちゃうから愛しちゃうから愛しちゃうから
7:55 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
today... hmmm... HEEZ!!! so fun lol.... went to sch at 7am... lessons up till 9.25am... den very looking forward to the bell to ring lar... the science class so freakin boring lor... den bell ring lerr... the upper sec all cheer like siao... den went to rulang with amandaa... reach rulang at bout 10am... walked all over the sch... den loads of 6g pupils come back... i think the whole class LARR! mostly they from fuhua... very weird lor... so i waited and waited... finally some of my class ppl come lorr... that time alr 11... met michel and weilin at the gate... den called jocelyn, i put on speaker den michel shouted at the phone like mad... lol... soo sad tht i had to go back earlii to help cook... so if i'm not wrong... the rest of my ex-classmates went to JURONG POINT... i came home... helped prepare some thingys... blah blah blah... recieved loads of sms'es bout my reunion dinner.... ppl sms'ed: Jocelyn, Aishwarya, Jolyna, Fenella.... i think still got somemore... i forgot alr cos i HAD to delete themm... *sobs* memories GONE!! i gtg now! buh-byiies... will update soon! (i hope)TAGGS
Jolyna is my friend in JWSS... in fact 1 of my closest friends in sch currently...
PRI SCH FRIENDS ~ Dont feel bad... i wont ever forget u guys!
7:36 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Sunday, February 3, 2008
hellos... just came back from tampines... i had to stay back till 2 pm cos teaching this japanese guy from an international school here in s'pore... when he came... the girls were like... OMG! a japanese guy! aarghh!!! i was like... okay... so, why is he here?our gymnastics coach is a teacher in that international school so she told him to come and learn skipping... coach told us that she wanted to introduce skipping to e school... so he's the first one to come... ok... so when he changed to his training clothes *i dunno wat to call them*... we lined up in front of him and coach started to introduce us to him... i think his name was... nobu or something... coach asked rachel, heather and WATASHI to teach him how to skip... as well as some basics...i HAVE to admit... he's quite 'cute'... as in handsamm.... but that doesn't mean i like LIKE him or anything! i take him as a friend or smth... heez! DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!!!
1:12 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Saturday, February 2, 2008
here are some wonderful memories of 6A rulang 07
i dun really miss the boys but i do think the pic really funny

ms see and joschin... no comments... lol

my group... i look like an idiot


jeff looks so funny... lol
7:36 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y