Monday, June 16, 2008
Post No. 64It's currently Tuesday, 17 June 2008, 1:26 AM.You might be thinking, why the hell was she staying up SO late. Well, since this week is the last week of the June holidays~! Isn't it great? We're finally going back to school! And the real reason why I couldn't climb to bed early tonight was 'cause this is my last 3 days of holidays as the rest would be the Red Cross Annual Camp *rolls eyes*. So.... my parents gave me a treat and ordered PizzaHut delivery :DD ... well, I was too damn full and obviously you won't expect me to be in bed that early. I might as well hug the bed as long as can, soon I'm gonna be back into the dirty sleeping bag *sighs*. Now! Real posts! Last Monday, I was at Jurong Regional Library with Tiffany, Shermin, Nicholas and Gerard. We had to rush rush our SL project and Mdm Tan wanted to see the completed piece 1 week later... [apparently it was yesterday, so I'm not sure if Tiffany finished it by then]. We managed to do approx. 45% of it until the guys needed to go at 4PM and left poor Tiffany to clear up everything. I, being a good,good friend, stayed back awhile to help clear up our MESS.

And so, I got bored during our "break time".
I took pictures of our shoes. Yes, we took off our shoes in the library.
No, they went smelly. Apparently none of us had smelly feet.
And so, once I had this stupid but funny dream that I was being carried by Prince Charming... Yeah yeah dream on. And when I woke up by "Prince Charming" just, JUST happened to be:

Yes, my "Prince Charming" turned out to be my lovable boaster.
And the clothes underneath it, is NOT my underwear. [Note: My room is messy so the school uniform is there to add some finishing touch-ups.]
I'm stil virgin, people. Don't get horny!
For the past few days, without any homework from Mdm Tan and SL project laid off my mind. It couldn't hurt by playing the Sims 2, right? The day I bought the Freetime Expansion Pack was one of the happiest days of my life [as if]. And I can't help myself and started playing it day and night. I guess tonight I got bored of it and decided to blog instead... 
And so, this is the screen of words that I've been staring at for the past 1 week.
Copyrighted. Electronic Arts Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wow, how artistic.
That's all for tonight. I'd better turn in now or I'd get grounded. Oyasumi-nasai, everyone.xoxo ; eva ; xoxo
10:19 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Funny thing of 14 June, Saturday:
thank you for coming to a blog, * I * will wait for the next coming to a blog :DD ~ !
i know... it weird but soo what?! aiya... got tagged by sweeet and lov-able amanda... and this quiz actually has 51 stupid questions.... !!! eh y'all trying to kill me arh??? nvm this quiz got plenty of nice thots from watashi =DD
1 - What is his/her full name?
Jeslyn Goh Shue Shuen [that's her full name if I'm not wrong].
2 - Does he/she have s boy/girlfriend?
No, she doesn't seem to like going steady.
3 - Do you know a secret about him/her?
Of course.
4 - How old is this person?
12, turning 13 next month.
5 - Has he/she cooked for you?
If not counting Home Econ, no.
6 - Is this person older than you?
Yeah, by 3 months.
7 - What is this person's height?
it's 156-158cm rage if I'm not wrong.
8 - When was the last time you thought of him/her?
Well, I'm think of her now, stupid question.
9 - Are you related to this person?
Godsisters, does that count?
10 - Are you really close to him/her?
Of course! Godsisters can turn into true sisters yer know?
11 - Do you have a nickname for each other?
Yes, lao gang style, she's lao wu/hu, I'm lao da.
12 - Would you want his/her parents to know you?
Well, I don't mind. By the way, her mum knows me.
13 - How many times do you talk to this person in a week?
Currently ~ 0. In school, countless.
14 - Do you think he/she would see this?
Yeah, I think she check on my updates regularly.
15 - Could you live with this person?
I won't mind. It's not like she's got some kind of disease.
16 - Why is this person your number 1?
She's my bestfriend. Wouldn't it make her the first person on my mind?
17 - What is his/her hobby[ies]?
Singing, acting cute. :DD
18 - How long have you known this person?
Since 3rd January 2008, to be accurate.
19 - Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
20 - Have you ever had a sleepover with him/her?
Yes, we snoozed off while doing a project at my house.
21 - If you ever move away, would you miss this person?
Of course! I might probably call her everyday or send letters every week if I were to migrate!
22 - Have you ever given this person something?
Yes, International Friendship Day present. Birthday present coming very soon!
23 - How you ever done anything stupid or illegal with this person?
NO! Stupid question.
24 - Do you know everything about this person?
I can't really say I do.
25 - Would you date this person's sibling?
NO! I barely met her brother. In fact, I never did.
26 - If he/she dies, what would you do?
Go to church and pray for her everyday! But I absolutely don't suspect she dies young.
27 - Do you miss him/her?
Since now shes on holiday, YES!
28 - Have you fought together before?
Nope, NEVER!
29 - Have you gone skinny dipping with this person before?
I don't even know what that is.
30 - Does this person have a fetish?
I don't know.
31 - Is he/she on drugs?
NO! Another stupid question.
32 - Do you know this person's shoe size?
Maybe about 39?
33 - Have you ever worn this person's clothes?
No, no occasion that I need to.
34 - Have you made with this person a handshake?
Never really thought of that.
35 - If it was "freaky friday", would you switch bodies with this person?
That's scary.
36 - Has this person ever seen you dance?
Well, maybe when "play play" only.
37 - Have you heard this person sing?
Of course. She loves to sing.
38 - Have this person said that he/she loves you so much?
No lesbianism allowed! People call it bestfriends!
39 - Do you know this person's friendster password?
No, I'm not even sure if she has a friendster account. At least I couldn't recall her saying she has one.
40 - Do you know this person's best friend?
Yeah, me! And the rest from lao gang.
41 - Have you and this person gotten into a fight that lasted 2 days or more?
No, I've never even disagreed with her before.
42 - Does this person cry alot?
Only when she's really upset, I guess.
43 - Have you known this person's family?
I only know her mum.
44 - Have you and this person went clubbing?
Hello? We're underaged!
45 - Do you know how to make this person happy?
46 - Do you and this person talk alot?
We're both a chatterbox.
47 - Have you licked this person?
48 - Have this person yelled at you?
*recalling* Nope. Doesn't seem like it.
49 - Have you and this person gotten into a fist fight?
Maybe when playing only.
50 - Do you love this person?
As a friend-friend, yes.
51 - Do you want to be with this person forever?
Bestfriend forever? YES!
that's all for tonight... good nite mina and updates next time :DD
xoxo ; eva ; xoxo
7:07 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Thursday, June 12, 2008
FUNNY thing of Thursday, 12 June '08:

hellos.... back to blog... well nothing much to blog bout... nothing really amazing happened so far... just that onisan went to bangkok... I will miss u~~!! i hope she buys souvenirs for dearest lao gang... well just here to announce the upgrade of my tagbox [or rather shoutbox] i know... u might think the colors are amazingly ugly but hey~ i was in a hurry cos u guys asked for updates rite? red cross annual camp coming very soon at 19th June... just one week away aaaaahh ~~
kays... updates next time and i noticed ive been tagged a couple of times and i noticed how fun it really is too be tagged, *YEAH RIGHT* ! my foot ah!
P.S. Amanda, according to ur quiz that u tagged me to do, what does all the questions refer to? As in which person lar... pls reply quick and i can give updates~!!
xoxo ; eva ; xoxo
8:17 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
hellos... here to blog again.... after a long LONG time... here to do the quiz that weilin tagged me to do... 1.What is the thing you want most?
The Sims 2 expansion packs! Other than that, nothing else.2.What is the thing you want to do the most?
Sleep til noon tonight. At least I can really unwind once in a while.3.If you had one wish, what will it be?
I wish not to die young, I really want to enjoy life.4.What are you afraid to lose the most?
My family and friends. Especially my lao gang.5.What will you do, after finding out that you're dying?
Say goodbyes to my most precious famil/friends.6.Do you ever believe you best friend will betray you?
No way! I trust my friends.7.If you met someone that you love alot, will you confess to him?
When the time is right, maybe I would.8.What is in your mind?
The movie outing tomorrow with the rulang alumni.9.What type of people do you hate the most?
People who talk bad things behind peoples backs, backstabbers.10.Will you cherish every friendship you have?
Of course!11.Do you believe in god?
Oh hell yes! If not, I would be a free-thinker, right?12.What will you do if you have a billion dollars?
Shop, shop, shop! Get everything I want!13.What do you want your friendships to be like?
Trusty friends. Long-lasting conversations. Shop til Drop... (goes on uncontrollably)14. What is your favorite hobby?
Playing/Surfing the computer/net. Sports. Watching TV.15.Which country do you like the most?
Definitely JAPAN!16.If you feel low, who would you go to?
Jeslyn, Amanda, PARENTS, well... my best friends....17.If you have 3 wishes, what will they be?
I wish I can have everything in my wishlist.I wish I have unlimited money coming to me!I wish I will find my soulmate. [Maybe only, doesn't everyone want to find out too?]18.What are the three dates you'll never forget?
My birthday, my mother's birthday, Jeslyn's birthday =Dkays... gotta go now... this quiz is free for all =)xoxo ; eva ; xoxo
5:16 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Monday, June 2, 2008
Funny thing of 3 June, Tuesday:

pls... dun think im perverted of anything cos i just saw it in japan so tot i was funny and tok a pic of it a few years ago... surprizingly it can also be found in / anyways since i dun wanna blog bout the camp... the only thing i can say is HORRIBLE! so that's all... i just visited travis' blog and saw that the quizes that he did are free for all... out of boredom, i decided to do 1 of it... since i've alr done the other one...
Name 2o people that you can think of now. Don't see the questions untill you name the 20 people.
Mdm Tan
Red Cross, same cca.
- What will you do if you didn't meet 2?
I'm not sure. Probably no one to talk to on the first day of Sceondary School.
Eww... That can NEVER be true. Their of the same sex for god's sake.
I don't know. No signs that they will.
Loud voice, messy hair [always never tie up].
Well... I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. She should use some pimple ointment, then I'll consider.
Must I?
- Do you know any of 12's family members?
Well, I know her sister.
- What will you do if 18 broke up?
- What are the languages 15 speak?
English, malay and then I don't know.
I don't think she's going out with ANYONE!
12/13... I'm not sure of her birthday.
- When was the last time you spoke with 13?
Yesterday, 2 June.
- Who is 2's favorite singers or bands?
Again, I don't know. She also never tell me.
EEEE! I'm not lesbian!
- Will you ever date with 1?
Yet again. I'M NOT LESBIAN! People call it best friends, right?
I think so. Any takers?
I don't know. Who cares, as long as you know the first name, it should be fine.
- Will you ever be in a relationship with 11?
Screw this question. I'M NOT LESBIAN!
Singapore, Jurong West. That's all I know.
- What's your favorite thing about 5?
Humorous. He's my "mother". [Lols]
People I wanna tagg to do this quiz:
That's all for today... I'll blog some other time!
xoxo ; eva ; xoxo
6:00 PMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Funny thing of 1 June, Sunday:

okkayss... since i hav no more quotes to post... i might as well post funny pictures... okay so this post is quite fast its to do the quiz requested by jeslyn... so this is for u, jeslyn!If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Keep the misery to myself, or find someone to be at my side, but would I have a lover in the first place?
2. If you could have a dream, what would it be?
Probably find my soulmate [maybe], live life to the fullest!
3. What would your dream wedding be?
Depends on what my fiance would prefer, I might just go with what he wants.
4. Are you sure of your life goal?
I more or less already achieved my athletic goal, but my academic goal is very sure to be achieved.
5. What's your ideal lover?
Someone honest, humorous, caring, intelligent [or he might not have an idea of what I say] and good-looking [he'd better be, if not I might puke everytime I see him].
6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved?
I don't believe in this kind of thing but I think being loved is more important. If I don't love someone [which is impossible], there's still someone who cares about me.
7. If the person you like does not accept you, would you continue to wait or change his feelings?
I won't change his feelings as because if I do care about him, I would let him decide want he wants. And so, my answer would probably be continue to wait.
8. If you and your friend falls for the same person, what would you do?
Forget it, I'm not going to break my friendship and fight with her for the same guy. Friendship is more important, isn't it?
9. If you have cancer, what would you do?
Try to do some things that I've always wanted to do [don't get horny, people!] and try to stay healthy as long as possible. Who knows, I might recover from cancer.
10. What would you want most in your life?
Get a good job in the future, but first must study hard.
11. Is being tagged fun?
Well, I don't find it fun, do you?
12. How will you see yourself in the future/future career?
Maybe getting a degree, working as a manager in retailing [I'm like following my mum's footsteps].
13. Who is currently most important to you?
Firstly, my family. Second, my dearest lao gang. Third, other good friends.
14. What kind of people, who tagged you, are like?
Usually good friends, rarely spammers [don't you dare touch my taggbox!].
15. Would you be single and rich or married and poor?
Definitely to be single and rich, what for to being married and yet you can't support your family without money.
16. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Drag myself to the toilet, brush teeth, wash face and along with any other person would.
17. Would you give it all into your relationship?
Depends. If the relationship is worth giving it all, so be it.
18. If you fall in love with two people, which would you pick?
The one with better attitude and can be accepted by my friends and family.
19. What kind of friends do you like?
Humorous [so now you can tell I like to laugh], unbetrayable [some word I came out by myself], supportive and cheerful [this is my way of telling some people in lao gang, anti-emo is always good!].
20. If you played a prank on someone, and he/she fell for it, what would you do?
Probably laugh at them, laugh in the inside or if they are hurt from it, I'd better apologise!
okayss this post is only on this! sorry im being considerate and not going to ask alone to try this quiz... but if you try it or not i wont care or mind... so good nites peeps and updates next time!
xoxo ; eva ; xoxo
6:51 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y