Saturday, January 23, 2010
I haven't blogged in 2 weeks, and it's 'cause I really didn't have the time.
So, I shall just type out a short update on what I've been up to.
Being a Year 3 student, you have loads of homework.
It's especially a lot when you're dead tired when you come home, and feel so unmotivated to do them.
Therefore, the next day, you leave your homework alone, copied the answers from a friend, and eventually get scolded by a teacher for having the same answers as the friend.
Worse if the friend's the one getting scolded for having the same answers as yours.
Have you ever wondered, why we feel so unmotivated, easily attracted to other things, and ignore what's important? I couldn't help but wonder, how much is too much?
When will we ever know when we've crossed the line of our teacher's patience? And why are we continuing to do it, even though we're aware of the circumstances.
I do know that everyone at this stage of life, or maybe sooner of later, feel this way.
And due to laziness, we forget what's important and go on doing what we need the most. SLEEP.
How do we overcome this problem? I think I've the solution. It worked for me, and I hope it does for you too.
Check up on your weakness. What do you look forward too everyday when you come back from school? Is it the sleep, the television, or like my case, the laptop?
The truth is, I didn't do so well in the 1st week of school, I was slacking and I'm still Year 2 in my mind.
What I do is, yes I switch on the laptop, take a good shower first (that'll take away the sleepiness you've felt while you were in school), and when you're all fresh, start the music on the laptop, and your homework. It's helped me concentrate better in school.
But let me remind you, it may or may not help you, though.
So far, I've managed to escape from being punished of not submitting my homework because it wasn't done, but I'm sure there's more that the teachers can do for these kind of work attitudes, it has only been 3 weeks of school so far.
I hope the tip help!
kthx bye!
7:13 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Yesterday, I went shopping!
And a spent a jaw-dropping S$155 within 2 hours in 313!
A totally FABULOUS place to find the perfect dress for your Chinese New Year!
My initial expectation was to only buy 1 dress from Forever 21.
But guess what?
I got, 2 dresses from Forever 21, a pair of scandals from Charles & Keith, 1 ribbon and a butterfly shirt from RIBBON.
All the above items were bought from places recommended by 313's Advertising & Public Relations in-charge, Tan Swee Lin, who happens to be my mum's best friend. So, she knows just about anything about 313.
I will tell you, in detail (meaning dollars and cents), about what I bought.
But before everything. we went to this fast food joint that serves the greatest burgers anywhere!
No I'm not being exaggerated, I'm like this 'cause I've munched on the burger, managed to live, to tell about. And good thing I took pictures!

It's a bar concept, really smart owner, the tables and benches were obviously cheap, but they were stylish, fitted the atmosphere, and he concentrated on the more important thing, the FOOD! Thus, he'll definitely bring in loads of ka-ching, judging by how many people were standing around waiting for tables. And we were lucky to get one real quick.

And this is what I ordered, the fabulously de-lish (as mentioned in my twits) Beef Mushroom Burger. Even if you hate mushroom, I'm telling you, it's much more de-lish than the supposedly 'signature dish'. Even comes with almost-saltless chips, as shown above. Reason why some are in different colours, is 'cause of the different kind of potatoes they use. But both are low-fat, they may seem fattening and burnt, but don't reject 'til you've tried it!

Trust them, what they're saying is true! And they said, the patty of meat is oddly shaped, why, 'cause it isn't processed. But even if its oddly shaped, you'll always get a piece of the meat whenever you lean over for a bite of the burger.
In case you wanna try it...
It's at:
Grange Road#01-02
Cathay Cineleisure OrchardOpen daily from 11AM to 11PM.
For more information, Tel: +65 6737 9947.
On with the shopping!
Here's what I got from Forever 21: (pardon the terrible photography)

This is S$45, it can't really be seen properly, but at the collar, it's supposed to be like an extra piece just to hang and rest on your chest . :)

This is also $45. In case you're wondering how long it is, when I wear it (the initial length), it reaches my ankle. Totally in love with it! Can act like Ai in Kurage Nagareboshi. LOL.
And to prove they're really from Forever 21:

LOL. No comments needed.

This super cute top is priced at $39.90. Doesn't look that nice since I'm bad at photos. Bought a blue ribbon with it too, but forgot to snap it.
And something from Charles & Keith:

Bad lighting. Initial price: $49. But I got a discount, can't remember how, and only paid $26. Good not?
Okay, that's it. I'll have to wear them all for CNY, if you're seeing me on CNY, you'll get to see them on a body. :D
6:24 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wow, Sec 3 already.
I know many of you are wondering how my first day was...
Actually I can't say much, 'cos I wasn't in class most of the time.
But I'll just say a little bit about the Sec 1 Orientation that I was involved in.
I was the SL/tourguide for class 1N2~! Not a very enthusiastic bunch though.
I had trouble finding the most enthusiastic person to nominate out of the class, so I just chose the one who participated in all of the games actively.
I can still remember her name... Claudia!
OK, if the class ever reads this, they'll probably hold a grudge on me, but I don't care.
I made her go on stage to do a difficult challenge, which will be explained later.
But I shall talk about my experience of the first day school as an upper-Sec.
Morning duty, I'm doing Classroom Patrol, Sec 3s and 4s block. So, I already knew where my new classroom was. But before duty, I noticed most of the Sec 1s wearing this particularly ugly shirt, which I presumed was the Primary school uniform or something, which was actually the new JWSS PE shirt. There's the new PE shorts too.
Just imagine the school logo on the PE shorts as the four-letter word "JWSS" in purple thread.
Refer to
Travis' blog for the picture of the PE shirt when he's gotten the picture.
In particular that morning, I couldn't find my school badge (of all the days), so I called Travis early that morning to help me purchase one.
So, my dad sent me to school as per normal, walked into school, went up to the hall, realizing the guys I know are all wearing their traditional long pants, astonished, went down to look for Travis for my badge, paid him back for my badge, and I just happened to run into Phoebe and her sister at the canteen buying drinks. As any other lost, new Sec (place a number 1 - 5 here) person, I followed her up to the hall.
Started duty, blah blah blah, realized I was too excited to start the new term that I've forgotten to apply the duty of placing my blue Councilor notebook into my bag, but so did everyone.
And my form teacher is Ms Wang, you know, the one that substituted Ms Wong last year for Maths for awhile, yeah that one. :)
So far, I think she's doing a pretty good job in being a form teacher, but if there were any problems with her, I'd wouldn't even tell YOU here. I'd get in trouble.
Uptill now, we've pretty much met all of our subject teachers, they'll all really nice. No wonder the upper-Sec always have close ties with their teachers.
But in class that day, into the part where we had to pick out our Vice-chairperson, I had to leave already, so I don't know what else happened in class. Si Yuan and I were the only ones from the class involved in the orientation.
Skipping the Sec 1s meeting their fellow SLs, tour around the school and the games. Here's the challenge for the supposedly most enthusiastic student in every class:
You have to obtain these difficult items within the hall:
- A lock of the longest hair
- 2 pairs of socks
- A size 46 shoes
- An Adidas Watch
- A 1-cent coin
The class were really reluctant in helping her at all, so I had to try to convince them in doing #1, 2 and 4.
#5 was almost impossible, like, who still uses a 1-cent coin?
#3 was HILARIOUS! There was only one person in the hall wearing size 46 shoes. And it was the Emcee, Afif. Therefore, 2 of the enthusiastic class representatives chased him around the hall, until one of them got the pair.
In the end, Claudia didn't win most enthusiastic student. But nevermind, the class had fun, or so I think.
4:51 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Good morning! It's 12:03AM on Sunday and I'm still blogging!
Yes, I'm still alive.
As many bloggers have done, I'm gonna type out my 2010 resolutions.
Decided to do it, before anyone calls a search party for me since I'm hiding indoors for a few days already.
2010Let me just say, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Yeah, I'm late, sorry. Cyber-ly, I'm inactive, and don't even want to go online.
Okay, don't know why I just said that.- Work hard in 3E1, since my studies are currently categorized as a steep slope.
- Get a new yukata in time for Racial Harmony. You won't wanna see the same one again right?
- Get knee-high boots. 'Cos I'm gonna need them in Japan during Winter when I get back.
- Cut my unexceptionally-long nails. (Just did, few hours ago, you'd know if you follow me on Twitter. FOLLOW HERE!)
- Get at least $100 from ang-bao monaaayyyy. I hope for the best!
- Become a good NCO. Well, I hope for the best.
- Become President on SC. Most UNLIKELY, 'cos I'm lazy, and I'd probably be bad at it too.
- Be able to get into Mass Communication in Ngee Ann Poly through DPA.
- Get into Advertising & Public Relations if #8 doesn't work out. Listen, I have to be smart here.
- Remember to finish my plate in order to get handsome husband in future. Chinese saying: Finish your food, you shall have a good-looking spouse. Yeah, my options are open for Tegoshi, LOL! No I'm serious. (I'm listening to Tegomasu no Uta now, explains the sudden obsession. But I'll keep dreaming and wishing!)
- Survive NCO camp. As much as I HATE camps, I hope this one goes out well.
- Go to Japan again. I love it there too much.
- Get into Ngee Ann through DPA. Related to #8 & #9.
- Start shaping my eyebrows. Better do it before they grow thick and I'll become so undesirable.
- Learn to play an instrument. I'm lazy to go for it, so I'll just let an offer fall on my lap.
- Go shopping, after getting money from #5.
- Try to blog more. Yes, already trying.
- Further study Japanese. Already doing it, just learned a new word, "雰囲気", pronounced as "fu-n-i-chi" meaning atmosphere/air/presence.
- Receive a Valentine's Day present. You're probably not surprised, I've never received one, at least I can't remember.
- Find a job. Same as #15, I'll just wait to be forced to find one.
- Have a great year! Since Sec 3 is known as the "honeymoon" year. 'Cos your classes are confirmed, you can relax and in many ways, you're given more power on things. Therefore, you'd probably enjoy the year.
That's pretty much it. HAPPY NEW YEAR once again, and I wish everyone the best of luck for the rest of the year. :D
8:02 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y