It's the 6th of March, the long-awaited Footdrill Competition.
Since it's so late at night, shall keep this post short, but have loads of pictures.
So, this morning, I dragged my tired, fabulous ass outta bed at 6 AM. Rushed and got ready by 6:30AM and managed to reach school at 7 AM.
But we weren't leaving the school 'till FDC has had their breakfast, so we watched them all have their corn flakes in milo. (Yes, it's making me hungry too.)
As supporters, we really DID support. Their bags I mean. Yes, throughout the whole day, we supported their bags until the end of the day when they'd have to change back. (I'm not complaining, just mentioning what we've done to support them.)
Up the bus, off to RI. (Yes, the campus was very handsome. Jealous of their facilities, LOL.)
National FootDrill Competition. Took this banner so that my parents were convinced I WAS at the competition and not hanging around in JP. :D Thumbs up! All looking very nervous... The Sirs and Ma'ams sitting behind us, mainly for the shade. :D Put Lifah trying to take my picture here. Put Chandra playing with green, candy string here. Group photo! Can you spot the odd one out? Can you still spot the odd one out? The trophies. Sorry for the low quality, it's clearly zoomed cos my seat was pretty far away. But it's pretty okay, right? The judges proceeding to their individual spaces.
After a pretty long wait, they finally arrive! Sorry for the butt shot, I actually took a video of their performance first before snapping this, okay? Ah, they turned around! Looking very smart here!
To watch the FULL footage of their drills, the video SHOULD be here:
After the results, yes I know I skipped alot, we went to the stadium stands, and Mrs Tan gave them their certificates and flowers! Yay. Posing with their hard-earned certs and flowers. :D
Remember the jump shots that we tried in Cambodia? Well, Mrs Tan suggested to try it this time with FDC!
1st try!~ 2nd try~! Christel! Spread your wings, and fly, you can do it!
And there's even a video during one of their attempts on the jump shots! Courtesy of Sri, explains why the video is in quite bad quality.
M'okay, maybe I'll elaborate more when I'm more rested. For now, I'm going to bed.
9:35 AMあたしわこのすとぷ ^_^Y
学校わ RPSJWSS of class 1E52E13E1
Horoscope: Scorpio
私の誕生日おめでとうわ: 27 Oct 1995から!