New York City - Full moon. Lovely~YEA~ You guys probably think I'm dead or something.
It's been 4 months.
YES 4 whole months, you must've think I've been in a coma or something.
But the thing is, Sec 4 life, is seriously overwhelming.
The whole 4 months, I, too, was askin' myself when I was gonna revive this dead-ass blog.
But I think I shall better refresh this with a whole new post, and whole new music to showcase to all ya readers out there!
So, I've replaced Firework with Lady Gaga's live version of Born This Way. Her first live performance of the song at this year's Grammys.
Yeap, so what's new with me?
Constant mood fluctuations, roller coaster stress levels and overwhelming intake of work!
On the bright side (or sadder side, actually), I've already stepped down from Red Cross and the Student Council to dedicate the rest of the year to my studies. Yup, week 1 of being free (not really) just passed, there hasn't been much difference, actually.
The impact will probably kick in in another few weeks or so. ;D
Good news is, my Red Cross journey doesn't end here!
I've decided to join the Volunteer Instructors Programme (VIP) for Red Cross. That means, I'll undergo some more training and I'll come out as an instructor from the Headquarters. Which means, I still get to come back to the school even after I've graduated! Yeah, and I'll be helping out the unit as per normal. Except that, I think more responsibility will be instilled in me and the juniors will look up to me for advice and hardcore decision-making and *inhales* !!
But I guess, after training, I should come out as a stronger person than before. May god help me with that.
Enough about Red Cross, now let's talk STUDIES! Juggling 7 subjects, ain't an easy task. So is 8 subjects too. God bless my classmates who're taking Biology too. Yikes!
I am trying my best, although some of my teachers think I'm much too slack. They have no idea what I'm doing at home. But hopefully, may the results prove otherwise! I'm gonna need a lot of support for my 'O's. Oh my.
In the love department, heh, not gettin' any. Doesn't matter anyway! Main priority now is my studies! But I've been getting a lot of love from my close friends, I love them for that. I feel like I'm just so blessed to have met them. I cherish everyday I have with them. And I hope even after graduation, we all still see each other often. :))
May god bless my darlings, Christel, Philana, Travis, Desmond, Adeline, Casey, Eunice and everyone. I didn't mention their names but that's because I'm saving them for other times whereas their names can be displayed for better applaud. And those that were mentioned, doesn't mean I have no where else to name you, but because you guys are the first to pop up in my head.
Enough for tonight, I've got school later on today. Apparently it's 1:14AM! School starts in less than like, 7 hours! I better rush my ass to bed.